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Tropical Bonsai Galery

SKU: S14088


Buku Tropical Bonsai Galery ini berisi informasi tentang bonsai. Buku Tropical Bonsai Galery ini cocok bagi yang ingin lebih mengenal tentang bonsai.

Penebar Swadaya Grup
Penebar Swadaya Grup
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Judul Buku : Tropical Bonsai Galery
Penulis : Budi Sulistyo
Penerbit : Penebar Swadaya
Tahun Terbit : 2008
Kode Buku : S14088
ISBN : 9790022530

For centuries bonsai has been a hobby of high civilized people in the east; but now bonsai is every where already owned by all society in the world. Bonsai is a sincere friend that will always loyal to accompany us growing older. By having this book, you will be able to see so many precious art works from the tropical world.

Additional information

Weight 500 g